Friday 22 June 2018

The Jungle Book’s Scrawny Girl

The jungle book is having a damn distant sequel in the form of a fan fiction called the cryptid girl. 

The title character of a distant jungle book sequel, Mowgli’s descendant, is a girl named Jinni, being partly inspired by the title characters of Tida Wanorn and Fathiyah, as well as Mowgli, Goku and real life cases of feral kids in both south and southeast Asian subcontinents. 

Her father and mother, Nuro and Tada were definitely screwed up people who pretty much had four boys before she was even born. Her brothers were also teenaged or even young adults at that time. 

Even as a baby, she was quite ugly to begin with, which is due to the fact that a polluted and totally screwed up environment was responsible for her family achieving their status as the most screwed family in the man village where she was born.