Monday 23 December 2019

In Honour Of CFL Hmingthanga, 7 years later

I am the first non-Mizo to dedicate this studious post to a Mizo.

CFL Hmingthanga is possibly one of the least known popstars in all of India, except Mizoram.

He was born in 1965 and died in 2012. He had made dozens of albums and was really popular in his home state of Mizoram.

Sunday 22 December 2019

George of The Jungle finale in the works

Today I'm drawing a storyboard for a huge George of The Jungle finale in the works.

The animated film finale will be connected to both Seasons 1 and 2, as well as the Disney film with its sequel and the original tv series. The cast will be altered once more to include Funimation and Sony Pictures actors, because the film is going to be more violent than its live action Disney counterpart.

My version of Disney's Ursula Stanhope is Erin Stanhope. She is going to be a reporter and is hinted to be Astro Boy (2003) character Richard Kisaragi's wife. Her only child is Yuko.

Doctor Towel Scott is returning, this time with a biological child.

Thursday 19 December 2019

Disney's Jungle Book: stepping into the lives of villains

Stepping into the lives of villains, or more accurately visualising them for the screen, is a fairly huge task.

It's fair to say that I've briefly read the story that featured Buldeo in a Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book complication. Yes, he's a recurring antagonist, but I can give him more sympathy and make the audience sympathise him more because he's a human character.

In one of my episodic dreams, titled 'The Day Shere Khan Died', the animated version of Shere Khan finally regains a lot of sympathy, even though he lost his prey to poachers, and his estranged mate (she's such a big villainess) taunts him everyday, which I think of as the combined reason why he's the main antagonist for the current two animated Jungle Book films.

Monday 16 December 2019

Oversimplified: In honour of Roswitha Haas, the queen of mockbusters

Roswitha Haas was born on January 28th 1940 in Bavaria, Germany during WW2. She was about 5 years old when WW2 was done. Roswitha was married to Adolf Haas, and they've had four surviving grandchildren altogether. 

She is most famous as the queen of animated mock busters, because she wrote for nearly all the films Dingo Pictures had ever made. She died on December 8th 2015 in Beratzhausen, Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany.

RIP, Roswitha Haas.

Friday 13 December 2019

Quality in Mockbusters and other knockoffs: a weird case

Hello, I'm doing a careful study of quality in mock busters and other kinds of knockoffs. 

It's interesting to note that Asians and Europeans have produced and directed live action Tarzan movies, which are mostly decent knockoffs of the old Tarzan films. 

My favourite Tarzan Knockoffs are the gory ones featuring has-been beefcake Barry Prima, his equally brazen female counterpart Wieke Widowati and a stuntman in his sun bear outfit. In 2 of these films, Tarzan has a local counterpart in Sumatran jungle-raised Tarzan boy Sambo (that's so confusing) and the characters accompanying them and rivalling them are also locals.

Until the mid-1990s, the most boring Tarzan Knockoffs were from Spain. Now, the worst Tarzan knockoff of all time is Dingo Pictures' Lord of The Jungle. The only named human characters of this story are fake John Clayton, fake Alice Rutherford Clayton, fake John Clayton Sr, Professor Bloomsdale, Linda Jane Bloomsdale, and William Stewart Clayton, as well as fake John and Linda Jane’s infant son, fake John Clayton Jr (who only made a simple, bare cameo). 

Nowadays, the cruddiest live action Tarzan Mockbuster of all time comes from Nepal and is actually a creaky continuity reboot of Babbar Subhash’s Adventures of Tarzan, another so bad it’s steaming good Bollywood classic. In turn, the latter is loosely based upon all three official Tarzan films known as Tarzan, The Ape Man. 

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Joe Kubert’s Tor: a masterpiece

Not rewritten until November 27 2022. 

Tor is a comic book character created by Joe Kubert and Norman Maurer. 

Sunday 1 December 2019

The science of Heaven and Hell

Heaven is itself based on the atmosphere. It can also be fragile, because pollution affects it.

Its inhabitants are all angels and demons which include: Yesod, Malkud, Da'at, Netzah, Tifiret, Chesed, Keter, Chokhmah, Baraqiel, Bezaliel, Binah, Zachriel, Shelegiel, Turiel, Ananiel, Uriel, Leliel, Sahaquiel, Chazaqiel, Eistibus, Ein Sof, Hemah, Gabriel, Michael, Remiel, Raziel, Rahab, Matariel, Israfel, Remph, Dumah, Sandalphon, Samshiel, Phanuel, Suchlaph, Shateiel, Samyaza, Penemue, Sariel, Zaqiel, Kokabiel, Tamiel, and Suphlatus.