Monday, 19 December 2016

Behind my favourite Tarzan scene is a bunch of wild paintings and comic book drawings!

Not fully rewritten until years later. 

Ahh, Russ Manning and the Buscema Brothers’ Tarzan artworks have a large but indirect impact not just on the minds of fans, but also on the making of what’s perhaps the most famous scene in both the Disney’s Tarzan franchise and at the end of Disney’s generally wonderful Renaissance period. 

Here in the end of the first Disney’s Tarzan film, its hunky title hero announced himself as a newfound lord of the jungle on a dance off with his mate. While also taking a few visual cues from Tom Yeates and Joe Kubert, large portions of both his yelling and chest pounding are perhaps visually based on artworks made by Joe Jusko. 

Yuh-Aughh! Aho-hohohoho! Uh-Ah-Oh-Argh-Ughh! 

Without a doubt, it does need a heroic bloodshed reboot expansion, which surely will become its own thing if it’s going to be made after all.. 

Friday, 16 December 2016

The digital tweens and teens war unmasked!

Welcome to my site!

I noticed a big explosion of teen web-series and teenage everything in the past decade alone. I also thought that from 2014 onwards, Dora already went to aim at elementary school kids and tweenagers.

Netflix's "Tarzan and Jane" romance/adventure web serial would have been competing with Caribara's own Astro Boy comedy/adventure show (I really hastily nicknamed its titular character the "Euro Boy", because my Dad currently noticed that time's running out for the European Union to get fixed! I guess that this French Astro Boy will be much different from the innovatively beloved 2003 robot nicknamed "Boxy Boy" and his 3D/anime/tokusatsu relatives from 1959, 1963, 1980, and 2009)and of course, Nick's Dora and Friends.

Oh yeah! In the future, I wonder if fans will be bringing up (and also expanding) the Disney Tarzan film franchise for years to come? I guess that Euro Boy (unlike the older relatives which model on different characters, except for the well remembered "Boxy Boy" which is partly inspired by comic icons of the old West and East blocs like Hergé and Zhu Zhixiang, which had been animated by Shinji Seya!) would also be a robot adopted by a human family who loves to treat him as a person, as Disney’s classic Tarzan is to his fellow gorillas!


Sunday, 27 November 2016

How to respect Discogs

How to respect Discogs

1. People will be nice.

2. Don't Spam!

3. Buy some cheap stuff.

4. Avoid unreliable sites! But these are the sources of some worthless foreign-language cassettes.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Marsupilami voice actors through time

Welcome to my site animal lovers!
Here are some significant voices of the titular Marsupilami character through time:
Disney's Marsupilami (1993): Steve Mackall (original English), Eric Metayer (French), Marcio Simoes (Portuguese), Victor Mares Jr (Spanish) and Marcio Mete (Italian)
Notes: Marcio Mete is kinda too childish by the way! Canadian-American Steve Mackall is also tv announcer and screenwriter, as is the retired voice of NBC's fabulous "Must See TV". Eric Metayer is a son of humorist Alex Metayer and much older half-brother to Clement Metayer, also an actor.
Marsupilami (2000): Bruno Buidin (original French), Pietro Ubaldi (Italian), Richard M. Dumont (English), and Peter Szokol (Hungarian)
Note: Bruno Buidin is also the French dub artist of some anime characters and shows! Pietro Ubaldi is also a singer and tv host too!
My Friend Marsupilami (2003): Thierry Ragueneau (original French), Peter Szokol (Hungarian), and Richard Dumont (English)
Notes: Thierry Ragueneau is also a singer and comedian, as well as being the French dub artist for American tv spy show "The Mentalist". Richard Dumont is also a director.
Marsupilami: Houba Houba Hop (2009-11): Marc Saez (original French), Richard Dumont (English), and Peter Szokol (Hungarian)
Note: Marc Saez is the longest running native Marsupilami voice actor ever! He voiced the character for 3 years (2009-12) on tv and is his current voice actor! He is also a comedian like Thierry and Eric!
Our Neighbours The Marsupilamis (2012): Marc Saez (original French), Richard Dumont (English), and Peter Szokol (Hungarian)

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Marsupilami family history unmasked!

Welcome to my site animal lovers!

The history of Marsupilami is being unmasked right now! 

Spotted marsupilami: a big, hairy and omnivorous marsupial (or more likely, it's in fact technically a monotreme) being widely known as just marsupilami, it is mainly monogamous. Its infamously long tail acts as an all-in-1 tool for different purposes! 

The idea of popularising these typical cryptids would have been made by an ailing old Edgar Rice Burroughs when he finished his old Tarzan books! He would gave them to a faithful Belgian cartoonist called Andre Franquin from 1949 onwards until his death in 1997, and that's history! 

The most infamous members of their kind are (or were) Mars (also called Kumbo, Spirillen, Mars, Spiralis or even Marsu), his wife (named Mia or Maya), their original kids (all named Bibi, Bibu and Bobo! Plus there's a new kid on the block called Biba, who's in fact their secretive cousin!), and their extended clan which includes a bossy mother of his (unofficially named Frazella, who is cream and had mainly appeared in My Friend Marsupilami)!

As a whacked-out teenager (in Disney's Marsupilami), his father (unofficially named Marsupilami Sr.) went into his ancestral African homeland (during the summer holidays) by being with an old gorilla friend of his, Maurice! His brother is the ironically nicknamed "Baby Prinz", who is also the actual father of Black Mars! He also has maternal grandparents of West-Central African origin, so I suggested they could possibly come from Nigeria or even Cameroon!

He came back into the Amazon a week before being met by Frazella! He met her and gave birth to their two litters of babies (the latter in a short-lived spinoff called Marsu Kids)! Although Mars and his middle bro named Razor ain't conjoined twins, they act like each other because they shared an egg before their hatch-day)! Their older brother (from the first litter) is a pet of Spirou and Fantasio who also bears that nickname, plus he has a similar wife and similar kids too!

A melanistic older cousin (and sometimes the classier rival) named Black Mars (who has a wife named Venus) did appear in some comics though, but it's sad news that he's now fainted! Biba is a possible "paternal cousin" of the triplets because Mars possibly has numerous siblings! But did some of them bear young? I guess it's poor Razor being her father, who knows!

The two most popular (and official) theme songs for the franchise are "Marsupilami The Superstar!" (from the Disney show) by Roy Braverman and the intro of "My Friend Marsupilami" (from a tv show of the same name) by mambo legend Lou Bega, of "Mambo No. 5 (a little bit of)" fame!

Don't you think that the "Dance like an African" song (the song that MFM's intro is based on) is also seen in (Dreamworks hit) Madagascar's first sequel! As it spreads, will the medley (of both) cross into the Sonic Team line during its future making of "Candomble Talk-in?Tarzan Jungle Tails"!?

There is also the almost instrumental "Houba Houba Madness" from "The Classic Marsupilami", two versions of the cuddlecore "Houba Houba Hop/Ma Ma Marsupilami", and the derogatory "Houba Dance" from the film adaptation.

Other songs are included: Gil Slavin's "Houba Houba Song" and "Beatbox song", Dennie Christian's "Houba Houba Hop/Wir Sind Zwei Freunde" and "Houba Rock", "La Danse Du Marsupilami" by Sax Pustuls, "Marsupilami" by Cristina D'Avena, "La Chanson du Marsupilami" by Annie Cordy and Charlelie Couture, and "Geia sou Marsupilami".

Similarly named "Le Marsupilami": Bob Azzam, Ordures Menageres, Les Champions, Anne Meson-Poliakoff, and Rob Hoeke Boogie Woogie Quartet. The original song, you may notice, was made by Danyel Gerard.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Pink Studio day!

Welcome to my site everyone! I've got big news!

I want to introduce you to Pink Studio: a Croatian indie pop band that includes my old gym teacher Nikola Karan! 

Hooray for Pink Studio, thanks for your indie pop twists! Now I'm getting indie pics

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Tilikum day!

Welcome to my site everyone!!

I'm having bad news, Tilikum is dying of "sea mammal pneumonia" (its human counterpart called the common asthma is inherited by my maternal cousin called Robert Tawaf, but is less dangerous).

I think sea mammal pneumonia is caused by the germs that live in the orca's fragile lungs, it's also thought by The Dodo magazine (the publisher of the dying orca's last story ever) as the end of his sad life.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Chicken pox vs dolphin pox: what is worse than the other?

Welcome to my site everyone!

I am teaching all of you today that I realised that I have a chicken pox in my tummy and face! Mine was a normal moderate type so the dolphin pox is from dolphins that are captured from the wild by that profitable animal-abusing theme park chain!

Nope, not the original and more sustainable Aussie Sea World founded in 1958; it's the American sea world!

Is it just as bad than dolphin pox: nope, dolphin pox is more dangerous than chicken pox because it would worsen due to water salinity or any quality of water!

Other close and distant friends include the cow pox, pigeon pox and monkeypox, as well as the eradicated smallpox and black pox! The turkey pox might be here too!

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

A list of grey import vehicles in Auckland

Welcome to my site everyone!!

Did you know that there are so many grey import vehicles in Auckland, my home city since 2013!

Introducing this list of those vehicles that are well known in their native countries but are new in this city!

There are many grey import vehicles in Auckland and guess what, the most elusive is a fuel efficient Nissan RASHEEN from Japan that has a current owner being a worker!

This is the SUV that I wanted, it is already in my dreams long before I spotted it possibly three times near Parnell! It is blue with squares of brown fake plastic wood in its doors; yet it has other features such as its two ugly headlamps, which made it a cult vehicle!