Friday, 8 November 2019

Disney's Tarzan: The Purgatory revision

The Purgatory is the headquarters of a dysfunctional supernatural college in a geographic location called the sediment, which is between the soil and the mantle void. Many of its members are generally misunderstood, thereafter they would rather escape the HQ by surviving tumultuous encounters with the real world.

Burroughs Demons

Oah - Oah was the Purgatory princess.
Dooth - He was the Purgatory’s corrupt hick.
La - La is the high priestess of Opar. 
Tha - Tha is a less nefarious one with a bigger human language speaking role than La.
Nao - Nao was Nemone's and then Doria's wise lady in waiting.
Darus - La's old friend who is behaviourally similar to Devilman's Kaim. Speaks in stilted English.
Kaj - Kaj was Doria's man in waiting, later dumped by the purgatory's high priestess to work at the caves.
Akamen - Atka's cousin. Akamen had a father who was clearly menacing, a grandmother who was dumb, and a grandfather who was cautious.
Herat - King of Thobos, a city in the Ruhengere region of Rwanda.
Lailah - Herat’s wife.
Mentheb - Herat’s daughter.
Atka - Queen of Ashair, a vampire civilisation in the Akagera region.
Herog - Herog was such a pretty guy among the demons, he got dubbed as the Badshah of the Purgatory.
Metak - Dooth's minion, a kuudere kind of minion.
Alextar - Dooth's estranged brother.
Nemone - Queen of the purgatory who has invaded many lands in search of mates, primarily because her sad past life as a human left her anguished.
Thudos - He was Doria’s first boyfriend.
Doria - High priestess of the Purgatory.
Tomos - Tommy, as he is nicknamed, is the Purgatory’s vandal.
Xertsle - Lady Xerxes, as she is nicknamed, is the archer of the Purgatory.
Zygo - He was the Purgatory’s mayor’s son.
Phorouse - He was Zygo’s best friend, admirer and minion.
ValThor - Val was the crooked old demon who taught Tomos and Xertsle how to assassinate humans with arrows.
Menofra - Menofra was Doria's sister, a tsundere kind of sister.
Kandos - Kandos was GemNon’s minion, a moe kind of minion.
GemNon - He was the lord of the purgatory before being banished by Doria.
Phordos - Tomos’s faithful companion.

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