Saturday 4 July 2020

Routsos and the second Tarzanid Age: So Bad It's Good Part 2

Part 2 

After the completion of the first series of 56 issues of "Tarzan" and "Tarzan - Gaur", a serious disagreement of "Ankara" with Nikos Rutsos arose and their cooperation stopped.

The company then started publishing a new jungle adventure magazine, entitled "Greco Tarzan" in texts by Pyrros Makris. Without success, the magazine made only 8 issues. Later, N. Routsos, collaborating with the company of Georgiadis - Anemodoura, wrote articles for the magazines "The Little Tarzan" (1959) and "Jungle - True Adventures of Tarzan" (1963).

Both were quite successful. The first with the classic 16th shape (pocket shape 12x17) made 40 issues, only that Routsos wrote up to 24. Continuing, Potis Stratikis transferred the action to the jungles of India starring Sandro, the ... twin brother of Tabor (that is, the Greek Tarzan, the African). The magazine's only relationship with Tarzan is half the title of the issue.
The second was released in large format with the development of a cover on the back cover (wrap cover) made 24 issues. The publishing house "Pidalio press" of Dragounis released two large series of issues and volumes. The first series was called "Tarzan", but it was actually about the adventures of a French hero called Zembla. It was published from December 1969 to 1974 and made 252 issues.

The second series was about the well-known Tarzan of Burroughs, which was also noted on the cover. It came out in 15-day and monthly edition for a long time. We will not expand any further, nor will we refer to so many other other "substitutes" of Tarzan. Closing the topic, we mention that shortly after the beginning of the 21st century, specifically in 2007 the house "Periodikos Typos" of George Anemodouras in the context of an ambitious series with the general title "Comics Series - Classic Heroes". Dedicated to the popular heroes of classical nonsense, but which remained in the first two issues, presents the first album of Tarzan's original stories illustrated by Russ Manning.

The first and only one about Tarzan was entitled "The King of the Monkeys". OR THE BIRTH OF "GAUR TARZAN"
A Famous magazine, created by the imaginative and prolific writer Nikos V. Routsos. It was first published by the publishing house "Ankara", by Apollon Papadimitriou, in 1950. In the first issues the title was "TARZAN", with the subtitle "ANKARA FAIRY TALE" and the subtitle "NEW ADVENTURES". In the first issues with illustrations by N. Neirou on the cover and Th. Andreopoulos in the middle pages, Gaur does not exist.
The dark Greek Gaur will not be late, but he will make his appearance and will gradually take on the role of co-star, but in the eaves of the cover his name will be long enough. After the 40th issue and second in a row since in such cases the alphabetical order is not taken into account, although the first title dedicated to him - "The revenge of Gaur" - is located in the 26th issue

In the illustration, Aptosoglou (Byron) succeeded Andreopoulos (who, having already left the "Greek-bird / Children's Treasure", was preparing his own illustrated magazine "Tam-Tam").

For a series of issues, the magazine hosted on the inside page of the cover the adventures of Koutalianos ("The legendary achievements of the Greek giant") in the form of a comic and on the back cover the adventures of Count Tzoutzoukos, the fearless hunter of wild butterflies in a sequel comic. 

Tzoutzoukos was a regional humorous character of the "Tarzan" reading, but he could not overshadow the popularity of Pokopoko, who was also responsible for the magazine's weekly editorial in the "Pokopoko Speaks" column. The illustration of the comic was by Nikos Neiros.
Throughout its publication the magazine changed several times cassette or supplementary material, which reached a volume to cover even half of the magazine. The publication was stopped in the 56th issue (although the truth is that it had not announced more). That is, it lasted thirteen months.

It was time for him to try his luck as a publisher-writer. This method was known as "self-financing" and was very common in those years .. So we move on to the 2nd period. THE JUNGLE IS CONVERTED IN ACHELINOTIS FIELD science fiction. 
The solution of his collaboration with Ankara seems to have been predetermined for a long time, since a week after the 56th and last issue of "Tarzan-Gaur" magazine, "Gaur-Tarzan" is published in his own publishing effort and the story seems to continue from where the previous version stopped.

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