Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Unofficial Tarzan films: guess which film becomes PD first?

Unofficial Tarzan films: PD status

The Adventures of the Chinese Tarzan: 1992 (China), 2012 (Germany), 2022 (Spain) 
The Chinese Tarzan: 1993 (China), 2013 (Germany), 2023 (Spain) 
Tarzan goes to Delhi: 2038 (Taiwan), 2048 (India), 2058 (Australia), 2068 (Spain) 
Tarzan and the Treasure: 2043 (Taiwan), 2053 (India), 2063 (Australia)  
Zimbo, Zimbo Comes to Town and Zimbo Finds a Son: 2055 (Taiwan), 2065 (India) and 2075 (Australia) 
Tarzan Penunggu Harta Karun: 2072 (Taiwan), 2082 (India), 2092 (Australia) 

Monday, 28 December 2020

Who’s Your Jakarta Magic?

This one article wasn’t even fully written until September 2022. 

Gue Sihir Lu is more than being a short lived weekly MockBuster Sinetron (aka Indonesian Soap Opera); it is a super strange take on Mitsuteru Yokoyama’s own legendary classics Sally (or Sunny) the Witch and Princess Comet, as well as of all Toei Animation Originals, Takashi Ijima’s unremarkable Chappy the Witch. Unfortunately, the rather decent actress Nia Ramadhani is otherwise so guilty of being addicted to a deadly illegal drug like meth, which means she’s currently in prison for the rest of her own life. 

Behaviour and fashion wise, the character Sofie only superficially resembles her other inspirations, Melissa Joan Hart’s iconic portrayal of Sabrina the Teenaged Witch and Mitsuteru Yokoyama’s manga version of Princess Comet. Otherwise, she is most obviously a physical Chappy expy in all but name and age, including the goddamn hair buns.

In other words, despite being created and written by the outspoken Instagram celebrity Tisa TS for both MD Entertainment and SCTV, the live action story is cliche as hell. This means a superior trilogy of animated remake films (albeit set in Newcastle in NSW, Australia instead of Jakarta in Java, Indonesia) will lead to another work in the form of a future animated series focusing on blending East European Romani folklore with contemporary Australian surroundings. 

As it is, said animated film trilogy and its tv sequel will feature bits and pieces of Romani culture such as; the Butyakengo (a kind of soul-type spirit living inside one’s body, usually a human one) and countless others. 

The end. 

Thursday, 24 December 2020

Tomio Sagisu’s Kaijū Island

The plot of a possible revised take on Tomio Sagisu’s Kaijū Island. 

Once upon a time, a scientist married his ex-spinster school teacher, a middle aged local woman, on an island where she and her fellow villagers lived in. Unfortunately, even though she bore him fairly healthy boy triplets, she still died of exhaustion related to overworking and really awful paying times. Afterwards, he had two of his triplets being taken care of by his brother and sister in law, while only keeping the middle one, whom he bottle fed until he turned two. 

Fair enough, the scientist and his middle triplet son had to survive for a rather long time on such a dangerous island, so much so that said middle son became unlikely friends with a bunch of variably sized beasts whom his dad studied. 

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

A potential PD list

The list of potential Copyright Free and PD novels with animated adaptations 

Grigory Adamov’s Chroma 
The Conquerors of the Far Underground 
The Legend of Green Atlantis 
The Brutality of General Winter 

Alexander Grin’s Grinlandia 
The Road To Nowhere 
The Scarlet Sails
She Who Runs On The Waves  
Mister Designer
Reno Island 
Jessie and Morghiana 
The Shining World
The Golden Chain 

The Jukan Series (first eighteen books soon to become PD in 2028 for most nations) 
Jukan, the Puma’s Brother 
Jukan in the Great White City 
Jukan in the Kingdom of the Giants
Jukan in Rio de Janeiro 
Jukan and the Gold Volcano
Jukan in Nuke Island 
Jukan in the Land of Mists
Jukan in the Underground Kingdom 
Jukan’s Adventures in the Sargasso Sea 
Jukan and the Air Pirates
Jukan and the Desert Riddle 
Jukan’s Return 
Jukan and the Atlantis Folk 
Jukan and the Primeval Forest Enigma 
Jukan and the Nuke Rocket 
Jukan in Stanley’s Footsteps 
Jukan and the Earth’s Twin Sister

Saturday, 12 December 2020

Kenya Boy: Square Enix Edition

Kenya Boy, The internationally forgotten Kamishibai prototype behind a series of Emonogatari graphic novels, a radio drama, a live action film, a live action tv series, a companion manga and an anime film. 

The Ultimate Square Enix Edition is defined as a light novel saga with fourteen volumes; with each one containing five individual mini stories. The first volumes explain how Joe landed in Kenya as a child with his father Shotaro, who left him behind with manager family friend Daisuke, his workaholic wife Molly and their student daughter Jasmine. The other volumes focus on him surviving in the country (plus parts of Tanzania and Uganda) with unlikely friends Zega and Kate, and then had his family friends go to America to escape their would be imprisonment by the Japanese military, shortly before the attack on Pearl Harbour came along. The main story transitions into its own sequel with an amnesiac Joe fighting off extremists of all kinds in India nonetheless. 

The prequel explains Shotaro and his partner mating each other, resulting in Joe being born and a few years later, him leaving India to work in Kenya. 

The sequel focuses on grownup Joe being stranded again, but in Uganda, while trying to find out where his parents are. He in turn meets Kate again after a few years. After that, Joe and his own wife (who technically isn’t Kate) become feral newlyweds living in the jungle with an adoptive daughter and son. 

Unlike the first one, it is much darker and edgier, because it’s filled to the brim with nonhuman animal violence. 

Thursday, 10 December 2020

A decently translated Summary of Bastian Steel

Sinetron Summary

In the wizarding world, Abad is an evil wizard who always wears a mask and intends to get rid of Bastian, the baby of a female witch named Juli, who is married to an ordinary human man named Tora. According to the prophecy, Bastian can defeat Abad as the number one magician. Juli and Tora died while trying to protect Bastian. Abad himself was finally defeated by the power of the infant Bastian. Abad's mask was successfully opened and his face was revealed, but only baby Bastian saw Abad's face, which had been known to be mysterious in the wizarding world. Baby Bastian's hand also managed to seize the star-shaped black crystal stone, which is the source of the power of the Century.

Meanwhile, Juli, in the midst of the rest of her strengthened peak, had enough time to put Bastian into a magic cupboard. Juli stays on guard to protect Bastian from Abad, and sends him to the world of mortals. Juli also had a bit of time to leave a gold bullion as a fee to guarantee Bastian's life later, along with a letter to anyone who found Bastian. After witnessing Bastian being sent to the human world through a magic cupboard, Juli dies.

Bastian, who entered the magic cupboard, was finally thrown into the human world. He was found by a husband and wife, Fuad and Yuni. They were very surprised to find the baby along with gold bullion and a letter telling them to take care of Bastian & use the gold as living expenses. Fuad and Yuni, who lived on a mediocre basis, immediately brought baby Bastian along with the gold. Even though at that time, Fuad and Yuni also had a son of Bastian's age, named Dudung.

Time flies. Bastian grows up to be a cheerful teenager, even though he has to live unhappily in the former chicken coop which has become his room. Fuad and Yuni regard Bastian as their long suffering housekeeper and not a son. When both became ready for actual school time, the snobbish parents had only sent Dudung, their only birth child, to a school nearby. Fortunately, Bastian was suddenly visited by a guest, who claimed to be a friend of his late parents, Pak Yanto, who delivered a scholarship letter and all school supplies for Bastian. Bastian was beyond happy, because finally he could go to school. Although the mystery of his parents' death is still a mystery to him.

Initially, Fuad and Yuni did not agree with Bastian going to school. However, because they didn't pay any money at all and Bastian kind of promised to keep doing the housework he used to do, Fuad and Yuni sort of agreed to disagree. But Bastian also lives his new life as a student. Before long, Bastian also experienced extraordinary things, where he turned out to have extraordinary magical talent. He also learned to master it. As a teenager, who just found out about his power, Bastian often does silly and funny things with his magical abilities. Not infrequently, he also helped some of his friends. Even Bastian himself sometimes uses his power to steal the heart of his newfound favourite girlfriend, Jelita.

Bastian's scatterbrained behaviour irritated Abad’s own arrogant son Guntur, supposedly the most handsome and strongest boy in his school, who falsely told Jelita not to get close to Bastian. Guntur also tends to be rather unfriendly with other teens and makes bad pranks upon them. That said, he discreetly remembered having a few good times with his own screwed up dad, who turned out to be Abad. Thus he sneakily tries to steal Bastian’s gold bullion, who had absorbed Abad’s power for good in the past, but at the plausible cost of turning him into a greedy, unpredictable warlock. 

Sunday, 6 December 2020

Tarzan actors’ hair colours: Minority World

Not written until barely two years later. For Minority World Tarzan actors. 

Brunettes and Dark Titians 
Elmo Lincoln: With his faint blue eyes, chubby build and plain brown hair, Elmo Lincoln was the first major adult Tarzan actor onscreen.  
Gene Pollar: Sky blue eyed nerdy brunette Gene Pollar played Tarzan only once. 
Percy Dempsey Tabler: Aka the sky blue eyed, chestnut titian brown haired Perce Dempsey Tabler, he was also the first Tarzan actor shown with a typical dad body. 
James Pierce: Although a bulky natural blonde himself, James was both the first official Tarzan voice actor and likely the heaviest ever Tarzan actor from a minority world Anglophone country. 
Frank Merrill: as one of the few brown eyed Tarzan actors from the minority world, hunky old Frank, with his shaggy golden brown hair, likely inspired his somewhat lesser known cartoon counterpart in Three’s a Crowd, a Merrie Melodies short.  
Johnny Weissmuller: Fellow green-grey-brown eyed Johnny was the most popular Tarzan actor in black and white films, not only due to his athletic ability, but also because of his swarthy chocolate hair. Even though his skin colour was usually in a faint mix of peach, olive and salmon, he’s likely one of the first to be of a mixed ethnic background, as he was a Roman Catholic man with both Banat Swabian and Hungarian-Romanian Jewish roots.
Herman Brix (aka Bruce Bennett): As he lived for nearly a hundred and one years, he’s likely the longest lived cool blue eyed, titian haired Tarzan actor in history. 
Glenn Morris: Even though the dark brown eyed Glenn Morris played Tarzan only once, he was clearly an odd exception amongst the Tarzan actors, as his hair was nearly always of a brownish raven colour. 
Lamont Johnson: Soulfully blue eyed, brownish blonde Lamont Johnson was the only official Tarzan voice actor of the nineteen fifties, until the much better Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle show began to air decades later. 
Gordon Scott: Partly due to strongly disliking his initial Tarzan portrayal, Gordon Scott was both the second last brunette Tarzan actor and the second to last official brown eyed Tarzan actor. 
Mike Henry: Since Mike Henry was both the last official brunette Tarzan actor till the 21st Century and the heaviest known brown eyed Tarzan actor from a minority world Anglophone country, he also would likely inspire the Buscema Brothers’ ballsy badass Tarzan designs. 
Steve Hawkes (he was another natural blonde): Steve Hawkes, aka Steve Šipek, played Tarzan unofficially for two films. Even though his eyes were still in a bright shade of grey blue, his hair was heavily dyed in a darker brown shade than that of Ron Ely, who preceded him. 
Richard Yesteran: Brown eyed, ruddy brunette Richard Yesteran, aka Jose Luis Ayestaran, was drugged out when he unofficially played Tarzan for two films. 
Christopher Lambert: As a formerly dark titian haired beauty, who’s also one of the few Tarzan actors with uncommon coloured eyes in the minority world (a pair of brownish green and greyish blue partial hazels in this case), he has likely done his best to portray Tarzan as a sympathetic anti hero in the alright but super boring Greystoke. 
Joe Lara: Despite being a lot better than Johnny Weissmuller in so many qualitative ways, it’s a shame that Joe died in a cult ridden plane crash along with his notorious second wife Gwen Shamblin. Even though he was a natural blonde with brightly cool grey eyes, his hair was frequently dyed in a much darker colour for his two Tarzan stints. Thus, it was soiled to the point of becoming a dark brown curl for the rest of his life. 
Casper Van Dien: Titian haired, green eyed Casper Van Dien has largely left the world of acting and has thankfully become a true hero for kids with troubled home lives the world over, which was when the so bad its good Tarzan and the Lost City flopped too hard in cinemas. 
Michael T. Weiss: Cool old Michael T Weiss is the first official Tarzan voice actor with both brown hair and brown eyes. 
Giles Panton: Pretty much much the last known brunette actor to play Tarzan. 

Typical Drab Blondes
Denny Miller: While perhaps not the first known blonde to play Tarzan, he’s still the first and only drab blonde actor to play Tarzan on film until Miles O’Keeffe stole the show. 
Robert Ridgely: Drab blonde haired Robert was the first official Tarzan voice actor in tv history. 
Wolf Larson: the retired German born Canadian actor Wolf Larson was the only official drab blonde Tarzan actor in television history, until the so bad it’s entertaining WB Tarzan shit show was made and destroyed in a single year.
Travis Fimmel: Travis is a cool grey eyed Aussie dude who thankfully has gained fame as a talent in his own right. One of his awkward early outings has had him as the last known drab blonde actor to officially play Tarzan onscreen, which was years until his own hair has currently gained its golden brownish hue. 

Platinum and Ash Blondes
Buster Crabbe: Bluish grey eyed Buster was an oddity amongst Tarzan actors, in which his hair colour, before he greyed out, was an unlikely sign of things to come. Well, he’s a platinum blonde Cool Guy at his prime, who would likely inspire the blonde haired explorer stereotype in its definitive glory. 

Redheads and Light Titians
Miles O’Keeffe: Being a drab titian blonde mix, Miles is the first and only known light haired Deep Southern Tarzan actor in the films, who also is the heaviest living Tarzan actor from a minority world Anglophone country. His eyes are greenish hazel. 
Tony Goldwyn: The most famous of living Tarzan actors and voice actors, the greyish blue-green eyed sex symbol Tony Goldwyn, with his crafty Southern Polish Jewish roots, has given his soulful voice to what’s now the most popular Tarzan variant of all time. He is also a ginger, albeit one who is more of a light titian and not of the carrot haired variety associated with fellow class clowns. 
Kellan Lutz: Another rarity on the list is auburn haired Kellan, who also has golden brownish amber-hazel eyes. 

Strawberry Blondes 
Lex Barker: Lex was likely the first and only known official redhead actor to play Tarzan onscreen, up until Jock Mahoney’s Tarzan duology came along. He’s also the first official strawberry blonde actor to play Tarzan, by the way. 
Jock Mahoney: Jock was the schlumpiest actor who officially played Tarzan onscreen. As he was also the second to last official strawberry blonde Tarzan actor until the 2010s happened, he only did it for two films anyway. 
Ron Ely: Until he greyed out decades later, Ron dyed his hair in a considerably darker colour, but that was mainly for the beginning of his stint as the first official Tarzan actor in television history. It otherwise showed its actual blondness from season 2 onwards.
Alexander Skarsgard: As a ruddy blonde and greyish green eyed talent in his own right, Alexander Skarsgard is also the sultriest living actor to officially play Tarzan onscreen. 

The most common category turns out to be simply for both the Brunettes and Dark Titians, which is partly due to the fact that they often complement each other, thus being hard to distinguish when not seen up close. 

Friday, 4 December 2020

Cyberpunk Tarzan’s potential casting shenanigans

The Cyberpunk Tarzan reboot desperately needs a crapload (mostly) of tv actors rather than totally A-list celebrities. 

Since a lot of living Tarzan actors and voice actors are growing old within decades, the last resort, in terms of portraying a grownup version of the main Tarzan, will probably be Ryan Buggle once he becomes an adult. 

You’ll also have another actress portraying Jane Porter when she becomes an adult as well.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Sandaukan reimagined

Sandaukan reimagined 

The novel series is finally having a continuity reimagining sometime in the 2020s. With the stories being over a century old and rather values dissonantly full of old stereotypes, even if the whole series was quite fair for its day, it is time to reimagine all of them in epic detail. Moving the location southwards from Malaysia’s Sarawak and Sabah into Indonesia’s Central Kalimantan may help matters, due to the fact that the actual late Sandokan was most likely a man of Kadazan-Dusun nobility, who believed in Momolianism, the native religion of Kadazans and Dusuns.

A coming of age story also focuses on a new characters like Marianna Capaldi, Louise Stapleton, and Gabriela Gusmão plus mainstays like Sangam, Lien Guillonk and Pau De Gomera. 
The spinoff, following the coming of age origin story, focuses on the somewhat dysfunctional marriage of Lien and Pau De Gomera, plus the birth and growth of their twin children Dan and Mae De Gomera, as well as a majority of the screwed up Guillonks actually going to intentionally kill her because her father was the CHIP WILSON of his time. 

The prequel, focusing on Sandaukan growing from infant to adult, is basically his origin story. Also, the reimagined Sandaukan isn’t going to be a kingly pirate, but rather a character who begins life as an infant who lost both parents to a rampage of psychopathic landlords having a poisonous fan-celebrity relationship with an infamous sultan. Also, he is partly raised by many of Kalimantan’s various jungle animals, but usually the Mawas, a cryptid much larger than a human, thus becoming an adept climber at a young age. It is hinted that he is of predominantly Dayak Ngaju ancestry.