The Villains of Baruuba’s Adventures
Anti villains
Amanyire (アマニイレ) - A well meaning Tooro guide who lived next door to the safari lodge where Mitzi’s absent dead parents lived when she was a child raised by Barney in NY suburbia. The Houstons were bludgeoned by fellow prisoners and then his pet dog was forcibly kidnapped by them. Even before that, he was in a serial trauma conga line until he’s been deemed ‘too traumatised for a regular punishment’ because he now has PTSD and other mental health issues, which means that, on his return, he unfortunately drowns (but with dignity) later in ‘Barumba in the Mysterious Devil’s Cave’.
Zoreka (ゾレカ)
Natukunda (ナトゥクンダ)
Mashaija (マシャイジャ)
The Krampuses (クランプス)
The Krampuses are recurring devil may care men who currently loot out some fashion and toys. The members of the Krampus club are mostly moderately sympathetic villains, excluding Orly Drake who does care for his wife and children, and Henry Watson who had left by then since he was a marital rape victim until his death.
Orly Drake (オルリー・ドレイク)
Even though he’s quite a complicit bloody whiplash until his trial, Orly Drake, a British man who safely keeps his ethnic Romanichal identity private, does care for his children, which means he decides to repent after a prison year by becoming an atoner.
Henry Watson (ヘンリー・ワトソン) - Henry was about twenty five when his first child was born. It’s likely that he’d been in a traumatic lawsuit induced grand theft wedding before that. His wife, Mitzi’s school principal, was such a piece of trash that she’d abandon him and off herself. Being in serious traumatic pain for the most part, he didn’t show as much outright antipathy towards Barumba as other villains, making him likely one of the most sympathetic of them all. He was temporarily in prison because his wife picked him up and forcibly conceived a boy with him just after their grand theft wedding. Do mention that his parents are the PTSD ridden soldier-househusband Gilbert ‘Bignose’ Watson and a raging terrorist who died at 66, which meant he’s destined to be doomed.
Casper Kline (キャスパー・クライン) - A hoodlum who looked after his brother Timothy alongside Linus Aso, before he took a non-criminal job after a big fine.
More typical villains
Linus Aso (麻生ライナス) - A hoodlum whose more heinous boss mistreats him so badly that he’d rather work with Horace. Although still a shit-bag, he does think the Japanese military is filled with so much corruption that it deserves to get axed. Even fellow hoodlums agree with him.
Horace Agnew (ホレス・アグニュー) - Horace is from New York. Although a hoodlum dirtbag, he does have redeemable qualities. He had a hard midlife crisis while seeing his wife melting to death with his eyes, leading him to become a rather unscrupulous treasure hunter in the process. Also, his daughter Riley reminds him that he still has to live with those memories for the rest of his life.
The Devil Cavers (悪魔の洞窟探検家)
They are likely the main antagonists and villains in some of the Barumba books set before Baruuba Journeys through America. They are a relatively horrid organisation, consisting of generally terroristic racists who often like to cow over other people from different ethnicities. They ran a partly downtrodden market turned sadistic stadium until Barumba’s Treasure Pursuit, when a marauding horde of Tooro peasants took back what’s theirs.
Christof Hardiker (クリストフ・ハーディカー) - Even though he happened to be the thickly bearded boss of the devil cavers in grey, he strongly disliked his job. He was said to be a tortured but somewhat sympathetic man.
Jill ‘Skull Smasher’ Dick (ジル・ディック) - Jill was a mad scientist school principal in her own right, marrying off poor Henry Watson when he was about twenty one, shortly before Barumba to the Rescue. Then she conceived a boy in prison by forcibly assaulting him and conquering his privates in a horrific way. Both offed each other 3 months after said boy’s birth.
Absolute Monsters
People for Consequence Free Liberty (結果のない自由を求める人々) - As its tempting name suggests, it’s a cultish organisation which contains its own bastardised and twisted version of anything, really. The PCFL’s founding ruler was both a trafficker and a dude who’d screw over anything into smithereens for a long time. He was murdered by the protagonist as a result of how disastrous he was to society. Even a majority of the Devil Cavers were shocked by the founder’s own life.
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