Thursday 16 May 2024

Jackie Chong Adventures

Jackie Chong is a bright archaeologist, who happens to be both an otaku and a skilled martial artist. Unlike his real life inspiration, he is Shanghainese. 

Jade Chong is the expat niece of Jackie Chong, whose estranged mum and dad (Jackie’s older brother Shen) work in Hong Kong. She ages from 12 (all five seasons of the original) to 14, 16, 18 and 20 in the revival’s five seasons. She is going to be much more Mandy-like and stern in the revival than in the original. 

Shen Chong is the older cousin of Jackie. He is the son of Uncle Koi Chong, a workaholic salaryman whose horrible workload and overworking meant that his wife Yen Mao left their daughter behind in the US with Jackie. He also has some traumatic memories such as the horrific working schedule which killed his friends. 

Lucina Yen Mao is the mother of Jade Chong, who is such a globetrotting workaholic that she and her hubby left her behind in San Francisco. Due to the horrid working schedule which has killed many of her friends, she behaves somewhat erratically and is traumatised to an extent, resulting in Jade taking care of her increasingly. 

Kwai Chong is the titular Uncle Chong, who now returns to Hong Kong to live out his days. He’ll communicate to Jackie via computer texts. 

It’s also revealed that Hak Foo, now a reformed anti hero, has frequently dyed his hair red but finally lets it become filled with highlights! He currently redeems himself and becomes a full time mentor to Jade Chong. 

Yen Shin is undoubtedly Jackie Chan’s wife. 

Augustus Black has a daughter, Ava Black. She grows from 4 to 6, 8 and 10 throughout the revival. Her father is a workaholic, and her mum is dead, so she is likely rather wild.  

Where are the original villains now? 

There is also the unsettling possibility that Valmont is merely the surname of a ruthless syndicate pirate by the first two names of Castor Ignatius. He is also an orphan raised largely by a British gangster queen, who was such a piece of shit that he killed her in fright with his gun for a good reason. 

To make things sadder, his birth parents, chauvinistic as they would’ve been, were workers who died in a mine at the same time when he met his enforcers. He also tends to cry more when his sordid childhood (before meeting his enforcers) does get mentioned. 

Daolan Wong turns out to be a war veteran, who also seems to regret trying to take over the world, letting himself go of his messed up plans and leave his villainy behind, while also abandoning his wizardry once more to live a life as a muggle (as he likely is one by birth). He also poops out the screaming spirits along the way.

Because the Taiwanese Bartholomew Chiang now regrets both becoming too mean in life and having not been seen by his ex-wife for so long, he retires gracefully from the spotlight, letting a nicer and more affable anti-villain, said younger ex-wife, take his place. Her name is Ko Shi Mei and she is also Hoklo. 

His former lackey Tommy Chung, likely a mainland immigrant to Hong Kong, has also reformed to become a spirit catcher in training because Bartholomew quietly told him about his oil sheikh shareholder getting away with anything while he is only a mere Hoklo commoner (at least by birth) in the shareholder’s social climbing circle. 

Noticing that he deeply regretted not being a good guy for a long time, but despite his sympathetic pleas, Ashby Necrosis was unfortunately cannibalised to death by his wife, revealed to be a bigger monster in the making than he was. She is Lady Necrosis, a who dares to chop off her minions on a whim like no other. 

StrikeMaster Ice also has a sad time seeing his parents die, even though they were so horrible to him that he’d left them behind by the time he formed his team. Keep in mind that even he thinks his career as a villain is a stupid second attempt at getting a job. 

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