Wednesday 25 March 2020

Original Characters revision Part 16

The Next Generation
Lara Savage - Doc Savage and Kali’s daughter. Loves wrestling with beasts and thugs.
Techno Hack - Doc Savage’s greatest enemy ever. He often groped him many times because he was once his fan! Also helping him takeover the whole galaxy is both his psychopathy and his dysfunctional Royal background, given the fact that members of his family are descendants of actual Pomeranian Royals. In the end, the Shadows and Savages could well lose the battle to him, ending the missions of both Doc Savage and the Shadow as a whole, which resulted in both their children marrying each other instead.
Kali Dosanjih - Doc Savage’s second greatest enemy ever and later wife. She is based on Poly's role as Tarzan's girlfriend in Jungle Diper Tarzan. 
Tegan Olsen Tartakovsky - Margo Laney’s rarely seen female minion and later Shadow’s wife.
Randy Tartakovsky - The Shadow and Tegan's clumsy son.
Jack Tartakovsky - Jack is Lara and Randy's son.
Ganesh Savage - Ganesh is Lara's twin brother and the eldest son of Doc Savage and Kali. Likes to study Mayan stuff.
Gori - The future goblin king of Athne, a fictional kingdom in the north of Kabale district.
Romi - Dada’s erstwhile brother.
Dada - The Goblin Duke of Athne.
Kyla Savage - Ganesh and Myra's daughter.
Myra Scott - Based on Unicorn's character Rachel. Myra is the wife of Ganesh Savage.

Oliver Savage - Oliver is Doc Savage and Kali's middle son. He definitely likes to study fashion.
Wiley Savage - Wiley is Doc Savage and Kali's youngest son. Annoying and quizzical.

The Dead Unseen
Leher - Mother of Mala.
Bhola - Mother of Locke.

The Newbies
Kina - The Accountant who left the tracking expedition. 
Zilla - Zilla is the daughter of Longa and Tarzan. She became a teenager when her baby brother was born. She likes to show off and has a complex relationship with her mum, Tarzan and the various jungle animals, as well as her baby brother.

Mala - Mala is the demon human hybrid.
Heather Cohen - Heather is Nicca and Meriem’s daughter.
Wendie Miles - Wendie is Oliver Savage’s wife. She is based on Faisal Annu's girlfriend in Jangli Mera Naam.
Locke Mebius - Locke is the werewolf human hybrid.
Boruubo - Baruuba’s sworn older brother.
Billy Myles Dalton - Billy is curly haired and inspired by Boy in the Weissmuller films. Is intended to be the unintended adoptive son of Mugambi.
Zongo - Zongo is Tarzan and Longa’s son. He is much younger than Zilla though. As he grows older, he becomes a conniving jerk bashing things.
Weezan - Because he is Warzan’s much younger brother, Weezan gets called names more often.
Warzan - Warzan is Tarzan’s notorious arch rival.
Lolz - An alien bridesmaid in Nicholas and Calculus’ wedding.
Tad Thurgood - Walvis and Leela’s Son.
Chaka - Chaka is Amara’s annoying younger sister, based on Tarzan’s Nepali girlfriend in Nepali Tarzan.
Moti - Moti is Jagdish’s daughter.
Kila - Basuli’s much younger adoptive sister.
Milton Barks - Jane Porter’s husband. A mix of Carl Barks and Milton Bradley.
Tara Nielsen - Tara is the friend of Mitzi Huston. She is based on Faisal Annu’s girlfriend in Jangli Mera Naam.
Parsley Barks - Jane and Milton’s son.
Marsa - Named after J pop musician Masayuki 'Marsa' Sakamoto, She is the shy girl of Tarzan’s parents’ village and the daughter of Zimbo and Julebba.
Tema - Tema is another of Tarzan’s many rivals. She is based on Nuton's role as Tarzan's girlfriend in Boner Raja Tarzan.
June Carina - June is Tarzan’s companion. 
Sela - She is a newcomer and based on Nishtam’s girlfriend in Jungle Love.
Nishtam - Named after Nishtam in Jungle Love. 
Molly Martin - Molly is Based on Arty's character Heather Scott.

Lora - Lora is the friend and opposite of Marsa. She is based on Disco Shanti's early Hindi speaking role in Bollywood's Jungle Love.
Harold Norcross - Based on the treasure Hunter in Bollywood's Jungle Love.
Alyssa - Based on Jamuna Bhai in Bollywood's Jungle Love.

The Female superpowers
Sera - Sera is based on the Amazon Queen in Bollywood's Jungle Love. She is the queen of Xuja, a mythical kingdom which is in Northwest Mozambique.
Martha Miles - Martha Miles is defined as a fan favourite amongst the grandchildren of Doc Savage. 
Mina - Mina is based on the Maharani or Rani of Rupnagar in Bollywood's Jungle Love. She is the ruler of Midian in Eritrea.
Taura - Taura is based on Rani's mother in Bollywood's Jungle Love. Taura is the former ruler of Midian. 
Theresa Vandervoort - Based on Celardo's Queen La. True Neutral.

Mila Ball - Based on Celardo's Jane Porter. Lawful Neutral, loves animals.

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