Monday 16 March 2020

The story of Baruuba

Baruuba is the titular hero of Yoichiro Minami’s Baruuba series of six Shonen Pulp fiction books, three mostly unrelated mangas and the eponymous but loosely adapted live action film, where his own expy is called Buruuba. Never mind, I'll turn the two variants into four different characters, the film incarnation included.

The animated tv series beginning summary (in the style of Shiori Kanaki, Shinobu Ohtaka or someone else).

Baruuba (ah yes, the classical original, renamed as Jinhaku to distinguish from my own character Baruuba) was born somewhere in Hawaii, but his former adventurer parents (the dad was an Okinawan while the other one’s a mixed North Rhine Westphalian-Sinti American woman) who were both victims of a cuckolding societal system, were going into a then unmapped African territory (the border between a then unknown mid-northeast Congo and southwest Uganda as usual) in order to survive being out in the wild. The trip barely lasted when a cannibal snowman killed their lives. 

He grew up in the (Eihamba) jungle and was raised by a family of furry giants and various other cloudforest animals, even though the creature who raised him the most is his adoptive paternal grandmother, a tough cookie who happened to be a magnificent giant. Even then, he struggled in learning how to write in various languages and couldn’t speak much for a long time; not to mention the bloody dangerous struggles that he had to go through and still does. Mitzi Huston discovered him in a (Omusozi) hill, fighting a ChimpMan prison boss. 

He then went to a (Omuruka) village to look for Kassim the Lion, much to the chagrin of villagers. Then he came to New York for Horace’s meeting. Meanwhile, the animals are warring against each other, thus Baruuba comes back to wrestle some of them to death. 

The animated tv series middle summary. 

Baruuba was enslaved by the monsters who let their most bullied member commit seppuku. Baruuba and Mitzi ultimately bond in the Phantom Cult arc, where the eponymous antagonists try to take over the known world at the time. Afterwards, in the subsequent City arc, Mitzi comes back to America and Baruuba reluctantly follows suit. In the Skins of Dead Beasts arc, he develops his sleuthing potential in order to solve the habitat loss-inducing murder of various jungle animals in the southern outskirts of the jungle. In the Documents of the Dead arc, he finds out that his birth parents were pretty much screwed till they've died by a major company, which still lets the dictator-king of the whole valley to sponsor the jewel mine that it owns, which trapped them to death. Later on, he gets dumped by Mitzi, as her reunion with Mr Putz blooms, resulting in him returning to the place he’s raised in, along with the documents, Mitzi’s former teammates and the cocky Grace, who merely wants to spoil his peace and quiet. 

The animated tv series maturity summary. 

In the middle of Documents of the Dead, Baruuba still has to recover from Mitzi's fling with Mr Putz and goes on a quest to find missing jewels once mined by Mitzi’s school principal. He glues his documents into his parents’ family album as a keepsake. Even though his childhood home village has become littered with trash dumped by vagrants including his first main enemy, while both Mitzi’s friends and Grace move out of the place. At the same time, he then meets another antagonistic force to reckon with in the form of Duncan. Drama ensues when an ape man suddenly appears to yank Duncan's more evil boss to death and reluctantly defeated Duncan along with Sef. Thus, Duncan becomes a token wicked teammate later on, while the now more mature Jinhaku has to find a good enough mate, often with consequences along the way. Instead, he got stranded in a village, this time it is full of haunts. He then got rescued along with other team members by a stronger rival of his, Gregory, who then introduced him to his wife to be, the feral fighter in the (Ekishaka) bush. A few years later, he and she come back to America for an unintentional marriage and they did, in order to work in the (Ekibira) woods. 

The animated tv series ending summary. 

Over a month, Jinhaku and his wife then leave the temperate wilds for a return to the border between DRC, Uganda and Rwanda in Africa. In turn they grew older together whilst living in their (Enju/Akatindi) hut. 

Here's the damn spinoff featuring Baruuba. Technically, it's more of a prequel to the would be manga and anime adaptations with a hint of Shonen Sunday and Shonen Jump. It includes a diverse array of villains which rank from harmless to monsters like the ultimate bad, a monster that not even the big bad would trust. 

Baruuba and his brother are peasants who live within a village near the surrounding Bwindi rainforest in southwest Uganda.

Once upon a time, the brothers’ immediate paternal grandma was fighting off outside forces beyond her control, and said that although being well intended, she’d rather not convert to either the Anglican Church by Brits or Catholicism by Irish missionaries. Her son noticed the invasion of extremist Christian variants and fled into the jungle along with his foreign partner, who bore him two boys and a girl in the lengthy process. 

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